Exercise Gives Brain Boost to Both In Utero Baby & Mom

“Our most prized and sensitive organ, our brain is immediately and permanently improved by exercise.” (Mark Hyman, MD, Broken Brain)

From radiating beauty to regulating sleep, exercise crushes it with a lovely array of betterments. In this blog, check out two parallel perks that impact both the in utero baby brain and pregnant mom’s brain.

1 – Smarts Are Boosted for Both In Utero Baby and Maternal Mom

Both brains are made smarter by exercise! And who couldn’t use a smarts upgrade? It’s miraculous, really. Exercise changes the brain’s structure as it releases brain-sharpening chemicals and speeds up the development of new neurons. Yes, please.

  • Exercise Is Everything for the In Utero Baby Brain

“The offspring of the women who exercised scored much higher on tests of general intelligence and oral language skills than the offspring of the [women who did not exercise].”  (James F. Clapp III, MD, Exercising Through Pregnancy)

Considering what is known about the way a strong brain can have authority over all aspects of our lives – our smarts, mental health, physical health, and happiness – it is remarkable that as a pregnant woman you have the awesome power to influence your baby’s brain strength.

  • Exercise Is Everything for the Maternal Mom Brain

Wendy Suzuki, PhD, a professor of neuroscience, asserts that exercise is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain.

Her studies reveal that:

  1. Exercise has immediate effects by sharpening your ability to focus and improving your reaction time.
  2. Exercise has lasting effects by producing new brain cells in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, which makes them stronger and larger, which is great because these areas of the brain help you with learning and memory.

Isn’t it amazing that you can achieve wonders like these by exercising?! Off to your workout you go!

2 – Contentment Is Boosted for Both In Utero Baby and Maternal Mom

Both brains are made content by exercise! Exercise improves the brain’s ability to function as it provides oxygen, releases endorphins, and destroys brain-clogging toxins.

  • In Utero Baby Brain

Newborns are observed to be calmer when moms exercised during pregnancy. “The newborns of women who exercise don’t have trouble with the transition to life outside the uterus and tend to be alert and easy to care for.” (James F. Clapp III, MD, Exercising Through Pregnancy)

I’m all for it!

  • Maternal Mom Brain

Be your most content self – a shout-out to endorphins! Exercise releases endorphins, which create a feeling of contentment. There is a direct and immediate effect. You exercise, you feel happy.

What’s not to love about good-for-you instant gratification?!

Parallel Perks from Exercise for Momma-to-be and In Utero Baby  

There you have it. You and baby both benefit from the perks of

  • increased smarts
  • and increased feelings of contentment.

Exercising made pregnancy easier for me. In addition to activating glee and regulating sleep, exercise reduced swelling, generated extra energy, and triggered cravings for fresh, clean foods. The best approach for me was (and continues to be) to exercise first thing in the morning. Before my morning mind can argue, I’m rolling out of bed, grabbing my yoga mat or weights, and clicking on that day’s workout. Be proud to be the momma-to-be who prioritizes a safe, healthy workout for parallel perks!